Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Day 60!

Can not believe we are at day 60 already!

Celebrating every 10 days gives us an opportunity to look at these larger numbers and discuss 'groups'. This ties in very well to our current maths focus of multiplication.

Check out the fun we had with the 60 plastic cups which Mrs Manabe brought in! Some serious problem solving went on...

making a tower with our share (3)

working with one other person to make a tower (6 cups)

now with 9 cups!

and now 12!!!!!

then we split the whole lot in half (30)

and set out to make the biggest tower!

we needed to use our best listening and negotiating skills...

the winners!

trying to make a tower with all 60 cups!

Doubles Baby!

As requested from a few of you wonderful scholars! Here is the link to the 'Doubles Baby' Youtube clip! Enjoy :)

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Buddy Reading

Buddy reading is a great opportunity for our Year 2's to get to know and learn from the Year 3 and 4's in our school. Every Monday we have the students of Room 7 come and read with us. First we read a book from our buddy box to them, and then they read a book from our library collection to us. Its great to see our students building such valuable learning relationships with the seniors of our school :)

ANZAC Memorial

We had our own ceremony to remember our fallen soldiers on the Friday before ANZAC day. Thank you to our family/whanau who came to our ceremony too, it was great to have us all together during this time of remembrance.


ANZAC was a big focus for us all here at Normandale School. We were very lucky to have a representative from the New Zealand Army, Kent come and talk to us about ANZAC and show us his awesome army gears! We even got to try it all on :)